What does a personal trainer do?
A personal trainer is responsible for helping you achieve your fitness and/or weight loss goals. We can help with diet changes, proper methods of exercise, and offer motivation to keep you headed in the right direction. Many people lack accountability and have a hard time motivating themselves. This is our job, our livelihoods, and for many personal trainers – our life. We help you become accountable to us to and to yourself, that way your goals become more easily attainable.  
What makes you different from other personal trainers?
Tony Pearson is different from other trainers because he has dedicated his whole life to fitness, health, and training. As a champion bodybuilder, with a very successful professional career, he has the experience and knowledge to teach you by example exactly how to accomplish your goals. Tony has not just learned how to be a personal trainer from a school or decided to take a class and learn more about it – he lives it on a daily basis. His passion, dedication, and commitment to you will create a positive impact on your life. Want to ensure success? Tony is confident in passing on his methods, expertise, and first-hand knowledge. In fact, he guarantees results as long as you follow the diet plan and put the work in.
How much do personal training sessions cost?
Session costs and available discounts can be found on the Prices page.
What types of payments do you accept?
Cash and check are currently accepted. If you would like to pay by credit card, Paypal can be accepted, if necessary.
Will you come to my community gym, local gym or my personal gym?
Most training sessions will take place at Kilo Club in Las Vegas. Occasionally, special arrangements can be made depending on location, proper equipment is in place, and with respect to the gym’s rules. Some gyms do not allow “outside personal trainers” to be present. Please contact Tony to ask about special arrangements, which will be considered on a case by case basis.
Do you offer private training sessions at my house?
In some cases, depending on scheduling and proper equipment being present, this may be possible. Please contact Tony to ask about special arrangements, which will be considered on a case by case basis.
Do you suggest any particular diet while training?
Diet is an integral part of fitness and weight loss. Tony does not recommend any particular fad diet, however, certain food suggestions will be made to reduce saturated fat, salt, and sugar intake. He will recommend foods to purchase, meal intervals, and portion sizes. A detailed and individualized meal plan can be put together with the assistance of a Certified Nutrition specialist.
What equipment will I need to bring or purchase?
All you need to bring is yourself, and appropriate clothing that allows you to move and breathe. Training takes place at City Athletic Club, which has all of the necessary equipment in place. If you wish to continue some workouts at home, Tony will suggest some additional equipment that you can purchase, although it is optional and completely depends on what your personal goals are. 
How long does each training session last?
Typical training sessions are 1 hour. If you are on a strict time constrained schedule, with a proper warm-up prior to our appointment, we can do half-hour sessions. If you are training for competition, longer sessions are available upon request.  
What type of results can I expect?
Some of Tony’s clients report feeling results after one training session. For a full-body transformation, 6 weeks is all we need to start seeing some major differences and the appearance of a whole new body. Not everyone has the same “ideal body” in mind or has the same weight loss goals. If you want to lose a few pounds, we can do that. If you want to gain more lean muscle mass, we can do that. If you are a competition bodybuilder, of course, we can get you in shape to win. If you want to shape and tone your body – consider it done.

After you implement your diet and lifestyle changes, you will feel better almost right away. Depending on where you are starting from, you can achieve your goals in less time than you might think. With a lot of hard work and sweat, your body will be toned, stronger, and look better in a few weeks. Of course – the more you work it, the better it works.

How fast will I see results?
You will typically see extreme results in 4-6 weeks. The longer you stick with your diet and exercise plan, the more results you will see.
I have a certain goal for weight loss, how often will I need to see you?
Starting out, in most cases, Tony suggests training with him at least 2-3 times per week. Once you attain your goals, it might be a good idea to maintain your shape by seeing him at least once a week. Some diet and exercise tasks will be assigned for you to complete without supervision can be done when it suits your schedule.